Oct 18, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Gatton College of Business and Economics

Simon J. Sheather, Ph.D., is Dean of the Gatton College of Business & Economics; Jennifer Siebenthaler, Ph.D., CPA, is Associate Dean for Undergraduate Affairs.

The College of Business and Economics was established at the University of Kentucky in 1925 as the College of Commerce. The name was changed to College of Business and Economics in 1966. The name was changed again in 1996 to the Gatton College of Business and Economics.

The objective of the instructional programs in the Gatton College of Business and Economics is to prepare the student for a lifelong career in business, government, or research and teaching. The programs are structured to provide each student an opportunity to acquire a background in the basic areas of the arts and sciences, to obtain a broad knowledge of business and economics, and to study in depth one or more fields of special interest.


The Gatton College of Business and Economics is accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). AACSB connects educators, students, and business to achieve a common goal: to create the next generation of great leaders. Synonymous with the highest standards of excellence since 1916, AACSB provides quality assurance, business education intelligence, and professional development services to over 1,700 member organizations and more than 840 accredited business schools worldwide. The Von Allmen School of Accountancy, housed within the Gatton College of Business and Economics, is separately accredited by AACSB.

Undergraduate Programs in Business and Economics

The University of Kentucky grants the following degrees in the Gatton College of Business and Economics:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics

Students pursuing the Bachelor of Business Administration may select from these majors: Finance, Management, and Marketing. In addition to these major choices, students exploring a business degree may select exploratory studies in business until they are ready to declare a major in the Gatton College or until they earn 60 credit hours.

Undergraduate Certificates in Business and Economics

The University of Kentucky grants the following undergraduate certificates in the Gatton College of Business and Economics:

  • Business
  • Financial Planning
  • Global Scholars
  • Sales

Graduate Programs

The Gatton College of Business and Economics offers the following graduate degrees through the Graduate School at UK: (1) Master of Science in Accounting, (2) Master of Business Administration, (3) Ph. D. in Business Administration, (4) Master of Science in Economics, (5) Ph.D. in Economics, (6) Master of Science in Finance, and (7) Master of Science in Supply Chain Management. Additional information may be obtained from the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs, Gatton College of Business and Economics, and from The Graduate School Bulletin.

Admission Policy

Admission to the University is sufficient for lower-division admission to the Gatton College of Business and Economics for students with less than a junior standing. However, lower-division admission to the college or any admission to the University does not guarantee upper-division admission to one of the degree programs in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. In general, admission depends upon the qualifications and preparation of the applicants, as well as the availability of the resources for maintaining quality instruction.

Direct admission is available for incoming, first-time freshmen meeting the Gatton Direct Admit Program standards. The Gatton College of Business and Economics will annually review and publish the standards by April 1 for the freshmen cohort entering the fall of the following calendar year. Students in the Gatton Direct Admit Program who are in good academic standing with the University are not required to apply for upper-division admission but are required to complete the same degree requirements, including pre-major and college core course work.

Upper-division admission into a degree program is necessary in order to be granted a baccalaureate degree from the Gatton College of Business and Economics. Students who have attained a 3.0 or higher cumulative grade-point average overall and in the premajor component required of all students in the Gatton College of Business and Economics will be assured admission.

Annually the Gatton College of Business and Economics will review the admission requirements and determine the cumulative grade-point average (Annual Admission GPA), if any, that would be acceptable below the 3.0 standard. The Annual Admission GPA (both overall and in the premajor component) will be no lower than 2.5 (see “Appeal Process” below for special circumstances). This GPA will be made available in the Undergraduate Resource Center of the Gatton College of Business and Economics by October 15 of each year. This GPA will be effective the following May 1 for any student applying for upper-division admission to the Gatton College of Business and Economics, regardless of the time of his/her enrollment in the University.

To be considered for upper-division admission to any of the undergraduate degree programs offered by the Gatton College of Business and Economics, an applicant must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Enrollment in the University of Kentucky.
    (Students are considered for acceptance by the college only after acceptance by the University of Kentucky.);
  2. A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or the current Annual Admission GPA, whichever is lower;
  3. Completion of the premajor component required of all students within the Gatton College of Business and Economics with a minimum grade-point average of 3.0 or the minimum current Annual Admission GPA, whichever is lower. (The courses meeting the premajor requirements are listed under “Graduation Requirements” below.);
  4. Submission of an application form to the Gatton College of Business and Economics. The application is available on the web at: mygatton.uky.edu/.

Applications from students outside the University of Kentucky seeking admission to the Gatton College of Business and Economics, whether for upper-division or lower-division status, must be received by the Office of Undergraduate Admission by the approved deadlines. These deadlines are listed in the Undergraduate Admission  section of this Bulletin.

Students enrolled in other UK colleges on campus should apply for admission prior to the priority registration period. (The appropriate deadlines are listed in the University calendar for approved times to change major).

Lower-division students enrolled in the Gatton College of Business and Economics should apply for upper-division admission to the college during the semester they are completing the premajor course work. The application for upper-division admission should be made before the priority registration period for the upcoming semester.

Lower-division students in the college who are missing no more than two premajor courses will be permitted to complete these courses simultaneously with enrollment in restricted course work if they are otherwise eligible. Eligibility is determined by attainment of the minimum cumulative and premajor grade-point standings. This privilege will be granted for one semester only.

Students not admitted to an upper-division program in the Gatton College of Business and Economics should be aware that others may be given preference for enrollment in the restricted upper-division courses offered by the Gatton College of Business and Economics.

Enrollment in restricted Business and Economics courses numbered 300 or above will be limited to:

  1. Enrollment in the University of Kentucky.
  2. A minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or the Annual Admission GPA, whichever is lower.
  3. Completion of the premajor component with a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 or the Annual Admission GPA, whichever is lower.
  4. Submission of an application.

In the event of capacity limitations, enrollment preference would be made in the above order.

For applicants from non-English speaking countries, see the information on “International Students” in the Undergraduate Admission  section of this Bulletin.

Appeal Process

Students with a GPA below the Annual Admission GPA and who have completed all premajor requirements are allowed a maximum of two appeals for admission into the Gatton College of Business and Economics. If the Appeals Committee feels that there is persuasive evidence that personal, academic or professional circumstances have affected a student’s grades and that the student shows promise for successful completion of a degree in the Gatton College of Business and Economics, acceptance may be granted. Information about the appeals process is available in the Undergraduate Resource Center in 144 Gatton College of Business & Economics Building. Students can submit appeals online at myGatton.uky.edu.

Dean’s List

Students who have a term grade-point average of 3.60 or greater will appear on the Dean’s List. To be eligible, a student must be enrolled in at least twelve credit hours on a letter grade basis. No incomplete grades may be recorded.

Probation and Academic Suspension

The following rules apply to students in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. Semester refers to any academic term: fall, winter, spring, and summer.

  1. No student with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be enrolled in the Gatton College of Business and Economics. Any student who fails to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 will be suspended from the Gatton College of Business and Economics and will not be readmitted until this GPA is 2.0 or greater. No probationary notice will be given.
  2. Any student enrolled in the Gatton College of Business and Economics who achieves a GPA of less than 2.0 in any semester will be placed on probation.
  3. Any student on probation who fails to achieve a 2.0 semester GPA will be suspended from the Gatton College of Business and Economics and will not be readmitted until he or she has obtained a semester GPA of 2.0 or greater for one semester and the student’s cumulative GPA is 2.0 or greater.
  4. Students who are suspended twice from the Gatton College of Business and Economics will not be readmitted.


The Gatton College of Business and Economics is proud to offer scholarship opportunities to incoming freshmen, returning students, and international students. The available scholarships may be based on academic performance, financial need, program of study, ethnicity and/or residency. Students are encouraged to apply for Gatton scholarships each academic year. The application, as well as information regarding deadlines and selection process, can be found at: www.gatton.uky.edu/programs/undergraduate/scholarships-financial-aid.


Von Allmen School of Accountancy

The faculty in the Von Allmen School of Accountancy is committed to providing the best possible educational experience for students. The faculty has both breadth and depth of training and experience in public accounting, industry, government and regulated industries, and previous classroom experience.

Department of Economics

The Department of Economics provides theoretical and applied courses in widely diverse areas including urban problems, labor, monetary economics, international economics, comparative economic systems, and economic history.

Department of Finance and Quantitative Methods

The Finance major offers a variety of courses, both to students who concentrate their studies in finance and to those who desire additional knowledge in various financial areas. Such areas include financial management, security analysis and portfolio management, capital market theory, banking and institutions, and real estate.

NOTE: The Gatton College of Business and Economics has suspended admissions to the B.B.A. in Analytics for the 2022-23 academic year.

This degree program focuses on Business Analytics, which involves an organization’s integrated use of technological and quantitative methods to process data and gain insights in the course of making decisions. The objective of Business Analytics is to help an organization reach decisions leading to actions that yield strong performance and sustained competitiveness in the context of today’s turbulent, fast-paced, global business environment. The major covers application areas such as information systems, operations, and supply chain management.

Department of Management

The faculty in the Department of Management brings extensive academic and practical experience to the classroom. Course offerings cover an array of management areas such as human resources, organizational behavior, and strategic management policy.

Department of Marketing and Supply Chain

The faculty in the Department of Marketing and Supply Chain has extensive experience in industry and government and includes individuals with interests and training in all areas of marketing and supply chain. Aspects of marketing such as research, retailing, promotion, personal selling and strategy are covered in marketing course work.

Graduation Requirements

All students in the Gatton College of Business and Economics must fulfill the UK Core requirements as outlined in the UK Core section of this Bulletin, the premajor requirements, the college core requirements, and major requirements. Additionally, students must fulfill the College requirements listed below.

College Requirements

To graduate from the Gatton College of Business and Economics, a student must have a total of 120 credit hours (exclusive of remedial courses) with a 2.0 grade-point average. Students are required to earn at least 50 percent of their business credit hours required for the business degree at the University of Kentucky. At least two-thirds of the upper-division credit hours in the Major Requirements must have been completed at the University of Kentucky or through an approved Education Abroad program through the University of Kentucky or other pre-approved international partner. A minimum GPA of 2.00 is required in all courses taken at the University of Kentucky used to satisfy the college core. Additionally, a minimum GPA of 2.00 is required in all courses taken at the University of Kentucky used to satisfy upper division departmental requirements. Any transferred upper-division classes for the Major Requirements must have been completed with a grade of C or better.

Students must complete CIS 300 - STRATEGIC BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION . CIS 300  fulfills the Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR).

UK Core Requirements

UK Core Requirements

See the UK Core section of this Bulletin for the complete UK Core requirements . The courses listed below are (a) recommended by the college, or (b) required courses that also fulfill UK Core areas. Students should work closely with their advisor to complete the UK Core requirements.

I. Intellectual Inquiry in Arts and Creativity

II. Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities

III. Intellectual Inquiry in the Social Sciences

IV. Intellectual Inquiry in the Natural, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences

VIII. Statistical Inferential Reasoning

IX. Community, Culture and Citizenship in the USA

X. Global Dynamics

UK Core Hours: 28-31

*Students who have an AP English Language and Composition score of 4 or 5, an ACT English score of 32 or higher, an SAT verbal score of 720 or higher, or have been accepted into the Lewis Honors Program may fulfill the Composition and Communication I and II requirement with CIS 112 /WRD 112 .

Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR)

Graduation Composition and Communication hours (GCCR): 3

Premajor Requirements

Students must complete 20-26 credit hours taken from the following courses:

Subtotal: Premajor hours: 20-26

*CIS 110 /WRD 110 , CIS 111 /WRD 111 , CIS 112 /WRD 112  and MA 123  may also be used toward partial fulfillment of UK Core requirements.

**AN 105  is not a premajor requirement for the B.S.B.A. with a major in General Business.

Suggested Premajor Curriculum

Freshman Year

Fall Semester

Subtotal: 16

Spring Semester

Subtotal: 16

Sophomore Year

Subtotal: 15

** STA 296  fulfills the UK Core Statistical Inferential Reasoning requirement.

Subtotal: 16


Each of the degree programs affords the student considerable opportunity and freedom of choice to take elective courses. The number of electives will vary depending on the student and their major. Each student must meet the general minimum hours for graduation. Students pursuing a second degree must have a minimum of 144 hours. A maximum of six hours of technical courses can be counted for electives. A total of four electives may be taken on a pass/fail basis if they are not being used for any other type of requirement, nor taught through the student’s major department(s).


Policy on Experiential Education

Gatton College of Business and Economics’ faculty work with the Graham Office of Career Management to provide students with the opportunity to intern in a business-related field. The College allows a student to apply toward graduation a maximum of six credit hours (pass/fail option only, maximum of three credit hours in any single semester) of internship credit earned at the University of Kentucky. For further information, visit: gatton.uky.edu/career.


The Undergraduate Resource Center (144 Gatton College of Business and Economics Building) coordinates the academic advising of business students. The staff of the Undergraduate Resource Center can assist with general information, admission decisions, and the applicability of
credit toward degree requirements.


NOTE: Students with a Gatton major must take at least 6 hours in the minor that do not count toward their Gatton major requirements.

Minor Residency Requirement

At least one-half of the upper-division credit hours in the Minor Requirements must have been completed at the University of Kentucky or through an approved Education Abroad program through the University of Kentucky or other pre-approved international partner.


Bachelor of Business Administration

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics


Undergraduate Certificate

Department of Management

No active programs available.