§ Transfer students will take
, in place of EGR 101 and EGR 103 . Δ Students must complete both EGR 101 and EGR 103 to fulfill the UK Core Arts and Creativity requirement. Transfer students may satisfy the UK Core Arts and Creativity requirement by taking EGR 215 .
[M] Math/Statistics Elective: Any upper-division (300-level or higher) math or statistics course excluding MA 308 and MA 310 (3 credit hours total).
[E] Engineering/Science Electives: Any engineering, physics, computer science, or math course at the 200-level or higher, other than an electrical engineering course and excluding MA 308 , MA 310 , and more elementary versions of required courses (6 credit hours total). Cooperative education credit may not be used to satisfy this requirement.
[T] Technical elective may be selected from upper-division (300-level or higher) engineering, mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, or other technically-related fields excluding MA 308 , MA 310 , EE 305 , and more elementary versions of required courses, to be selected in consultation with the academic advisor (6 credit hours total).
[L] Electrical Engineering Laboratory Elective: EE 416G , EE 422G , EE 462G (4 credit hours total).
†Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course.