Mar 11, 2025
2021-2022 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Studies in Higher Education, PhD
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The PhD Program Studies in Higher Education requires research on some aspect of higher education, broadly defined. Students may select an area of concentration from the history and philosophy of higher education, the socio-cultural study of higher education, legal and organizational study of higher education, or research, measurement, and evaluation in higher education. Ph.D. dissertations are expected to advance knowledge in the field and/or further develop existing theory.
In addition to the above areas of concentration, the Studies in Higher Education PhD also has two optional Specializations:
A PhD Studies in Higher Education specialization in Institutional Research (SHED-IR) prepares students to identify information needs; collect, analyze, interpret, and report data and information for planning and evaluation; and assist organizations in utilizing these data and information to make informed decisions.
A PhD Studies in Higher Education specialization in Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (SHED-DEI) prepares students for high-level administrative positions in diversity, equity, and inclusiveness leadership in higher education settings. This specialization includes completion of a nine-credit Graduate Certificate in Senior Diversity Officer Leadership.
Admission Requirements
UK Graduate School Application
Official transcripts for all previous coursework completed at any institution of higher education,
A master’s degree or equivalent level of coursework
A statement of purpose describing the student’s intellectual and professional goals for completing the program. Applicants are advised to clearly indicate the areas of coursework and research they wish to pursue.
For those wishing to specialize in Institutional Research or Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, an additional application essay is required.
Four letters of reference with at least two from referees familiar with the students’ academic work
Resume or Curriculum Vitae
Writing sample demonstrating academic writing (e.g. chapter of master’s thesis, course paper, scholarly essay)
Degree Requirements
All EPE students are required to take EPE 601 PROSEMINAR (1 credit hour) during their first semester of study in the department.
All PhD Students are required to complete 12 hours of research coursework chosen in consultation with their advisor
All SHED doctoral students build a program of study consisting of the above 12 hours of research coursework, 18 hours of coursework in their concentration, and 12 hours of contextual study. All courses are chosen in consultation with their advisory committee. This individualized program provides both content and conceptual strength to identify compelling research questions in the field of higher education writ large. A specialization is not required.
The SHED-Institutional Research Specialization includes EPE 560 ASSESSMENT AND SCHOOL DATA ANALYSIS , EPE 619 SURVEY RESEARCH METHODS IN EDUCATION (SUBTITLE REQUIRED) , EPE 620 TOPICS AND METHODS OF EVALUATION , EPE 663 FIELD STUDIES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS or EPE 797 HISTORICAL RESEARCH ON EDUCATION , and an internship (EPE 790 ). These courses can be taken as part of the research requirement or concentration and will be complemented by the student’s choice of electives.
The SHED-Diversity Equity & Inclusion Specialization includes EPE 751 STRATEGY, STRUCTURE, & CHANGE MANAGEMENT FOR SENIOR DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP , EPE 752 POLICY & PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE FOR SENIOR DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP , and a choice of EDL 701 , EDL 702 , or EDL 703 courses on organizational change and leadership. These courses make up nine of the 18 hours of concentration.
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