Technical Electives
Choose 12 credit hours of the following:
Any additional 300-level or higher classes selected from computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics (including MA 214 and excluding MA 308 and MA 310 ), Gatton College of Business and Economics, or by the Department of Computer Science’s approval.
Choose 16 credit hours from the following:
- Science Elective [S] Credit(s): 3
- Natural Science Elective [N] Credit(s): 3
- Free Electives [E] Credit(s): 10
At least 6 credit hours of Free Electives must be in areas other than computer science, natural science, engineering, or mathematics
§ Transfer students will take EGR 215 - INTRODUCTION TO THE PRACTICE OF ENGINEERING FOR TRANSFER STUDENTS , in place of EGR 101 and EGR 103 .
Δ Students must complete both EGR 101 and EGR 103 to fulfill the UK Core Arts and Creativity requirement. Transfer students may satisfy the UK Core Arts and Creativity requirement by taking EGR 215 .
º Based on advisor consult.
‡ Only if enrolled in PHY 231 .
[T] Technical Elective (12 credit hours) - Any additional 300 level or higher classes selected from computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics (including MA 214 and excluding MA 308 and MA 310 ), College of Business and Economics, or by the Department of Computer Science’s approval.
[S] Science Elective (3 credit hours) - must be selected from UK core natural science list, UK core social science list, or approved by the Department of Computer Science. Natural science course cannot be an elementary version of a required course.
[C] Computer Science Elective (18 credit hours) - include 300-level and above computer science courses with three classes to be selected from: CS 316 , CS 335 , CS 378 , CS 405G , CS 441G , CS 450G , CS 460G and CS 463G .
[N] Natural Science (3 credit hours) - Any natural science course to be selected from the UK core natural science list or approved by the Department of Computer Science. Natural science course cannot be an elementary version of a required course.
[E] Free Elective (10 credit hours) - can be any course that earns college credit and is not a more elementary version of a required course. 6 credits are not to be selected from computer science, mathematics, natural science and engineering.
*Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR) course.