The journalism major prepares students for leadership roles in rapidly changing media by requiring a strong core of journalism courses within the rich context of a liberal arts education. Courses are designed to foster analytical and critical thinking skills and to teach students to communicate effectively with a mass audience.
Founded in 1914, the journalism program has full national accreditation by the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications. Alumni include Pulitzer Prize winners, Nieman fellows and nationally known journalists.
Journalism majors learn about media law, ethics and history, and about the media’s role in an increasingly diverse society. The program emphasizes hands-on learning. Students select either a print/multimedia or broadcast/multimedia emphasis in their professional skills courses. Majors choosing a print/multimedia emphasis have the opportunity to write for a daily newspaper. Students who select the broadcast/multimedia gain on-air experience at the university radio station and report, anchor, videotape and produce a newscast aired on a local cable channel.
Graduates are prepared for jobs as reporters and editors for print, broadcast and online media, and for positions as assignment editors, producers, managing editors, publishers and new media entrepreneurs. Courses are also offered for students interested in specialized careers such as sports reporting, business writing, arts criticism or graphic design.
All majors are encouraged to supplement their course work with media experience at the Kentucky Kernel, the independent daily student newspaper; the KRNL, a lifestyle and fashion magazine; WUKY, the university’s public radio station, or WRFL, the student-run radio station. All students are required to participate in the school’s internship program.