2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Liberal Studies, B.L.S.
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A Bachelor of Liberal Studies degree allows students to design individualized programs of study in the humanities, social sciences, and natural and mathematical sciences; to develop a breadth of knowledge reflective of a true liberal arts education; to develop critical thinking and writing skills; and to synthesize problem-solving strategies.
This degree is beneficial to a wide range of students: students who plan to work in business, technological, cultural, community, and humanservice settings; students for whom a highly specialized, structured major is not ideal; and students who have accumulated a substantial number of credit hours across a range of departments.
To graduate with a BLS degree, students will complete rigorous upper-division courses within the College of Arts and Sciences and complete a capstone writing intensive course in which they synthesize and evaluate their previous course work. Students will also be required to take at least one course that includes laboratory or field experience. Along with the completion of UK Core courses, and the College of Arts and Sciences requirements, students complete 24 credit hours in a specific track: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural/Physical/Mathematical Sciences.
Students may not double or triple major/degree with the BLS.
I. Intellectual Inquiry in Arts and Creativity
II. Intellectual Inquiry in the Humanities
III. Intellectual Inquiry in the Social Sciences
IV. Intellectual Inquiry in the Natural, Physical, and Mathematical Sciences
V. Composition and Communication I
VI. Composition and Communication II
VII. Quantitative Foundations
VIII. Statistical Inferential Reasoning
IX. Community, Culture and Citizenship in the USA
Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement (GCCR)
Subtotal: Graduation Composition and Communication Requirement hours (GCCR): 3
I. Foreign Language: 6-19
II. Disciplinary Requirements
III. Race and Ethnicity Requirement: 0-3
College Requirement hours: 30-46
Major Requirements
Students must take 24 credit hours within ONE of the Major Areas: Humanities, Social Sciences, or Natural/Physical/ Mathematical Sciences. At least 12 of these hours must be at the 300-level or above and another 6 hours must be at the 400- level or above. In addition, all BLS students must also take WRD 430 for BLS students, which serves as the senior capstone course. This will help students synthesize and evaluate their previous course work and lead to the production of a final project that will be required for graduation. Students will also submit their final portfolio to their WRD 430 instructor. Courses used to satisfy UK Core requirements cannot be used to satisfy major requirements. Humanities
Suggested Four-Year Plan for the Bachelor of Liberal Studies - Humanities Track Select courses from the following prefixes: AIS, CHI, CLA, ENG, FR, GER, GWS, HIS, HJS, ITA, JPN, LAS, LIN, MCL, PHI, RUS, SPA, WRD. Social Sciences
Suggested Four-Year Plan for the Bachelor of Liberal Studies - Social Science Track Select courses from the following prefixes: ANT, APP, ENS, GEO, HSP, IAS, PCE, PS, PSY, SOC, ST. Major Requirement hours: 24
Guided Electives
Students must take at least 12 credit hours in ANY of the three Major Areas: Humanities, Social Sciences, or Natural/Physical/ Mathematical Sciences. At least 3 of these must be at the 300-level or above. Courses used to satisfy UK Core requirements cannot be used to satisfy major requirements. Free Electives
Students may take a total of 14-27 hours of free electives to bring the total number of hours to 120. Free electives may not be counted toward the UK Core or A&S requirements. Total Minimum Hours Required for Degree: 120
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