The Department of Chemistry offers the Bachelor of Science degree for students who intend to become professional chemists or do graduate work in chemistry or a closely related discipline. There are three options in the B.S. program: a traditional track covering all the major areas of chemistry, an option that emphasizes biochemistry and an option in materials chemistry. The Biochemistry and Traditional Options are certified by the American Chemical Society. A Bachelor of Arts degree program is offered as well for students who want greater flexibility in the selection of courses to perhaps pursue more diverse degree options, including dual and double majors. The Department also offers the Master of Science and the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
128 hours
Any student earning a Bachelor of Science (BS) degree must complete a minimum of 60 hours in natural, physical, mathematical, and computer science. See the complete description of College requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree , including a specific listing of courses applicable to the 60-hour requirement.