Mar 12, 2025  
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2021-2022 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Nursing


Traditional B.S.N. Program
March 1 for fall semester and spring semester


Accelerated B.S.N. Program
March 1 for fall semester
August 15 for spring semester


R.N.-B.S.N. Program
March 15 for summer session
July 15 for fall semester
November 1 for spring semester


D.N.P Program
January 15

Janie Heath, PhD, APRN-BC, FAAN, FNAP, FAANP, Dean and Warwick Professor of Nursing. Terry A. Lennie, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, Senior Associate Dean. Kristin Ashford, PhD, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAAN, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Faculty & Interprofessional Education Affairs and Professor. Sheila Melander, PhD, APRN, ACNP-BC, FCCM, FAANP, FAAN, Associate Dean of MSN & DNP Faculty & Practice Affairs. Thomas H. Kelly, PhD, Associate Dean for Research.


The College of Nursing has had continuous accreditation since 1967. The baccalaureate degree curriculum offered by the College of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Kentucky Board of Nursing.

Undergraduate Program in Nursing

The University of Kentucky grants the following degree in the College of Nursing:

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Admission Requirements

The College of Nursing enrollment is composed of four-year students, associate degree nursing graduates, and diploma nursing school graduates. Admission to the University does not guarantee admission to the College of Nursing. Preference is given to Kentucky residents.

Applicants must be in a state of good health enabling them to carry out the functions of the professional nurse. Routinely, each student will be required to obtain a rubella and rubeola titers, hepatitis B immunizations, and have an annual tuberculin test or chest x-ray. (Other immunizations may be required. Check with the College of Nursing for a current list.)

The University of Kentucky will consider for admission any applicant who demonstrates the ability to perform or to learn to perform the skills listed below. Applicants are not required to disclose the nature of any disability, but an applicant with questions about these technical requirements is strongly encouraged to discuss the issue with the dean for the particular program of study. If appropriate, and upon the request of the applicant, student or faculty, reasonable accommodations for a disability will be provided.

Students must possess aptitude, abilities, and skills in five areas:

  • observation;
  • communication;
  • sensory and motor coordination and function;
  • conceptualization, integration, and quantification; and,
  • behavioral and social skills, abilities and aptitude.

Full details on these standards are available by contacting the College of Nursing.

Progression to upper-division is regulated so that the total number of full-time equivalents at the beginning of the junior year does not exceed 120.

Seeking licensure as a Registered Nurse requires that applicants have no criminal history. In Kentucky, applicants who are convicted felons may be denied licensure. Cases are reviewed individually, upon application. Additionally, some clinical agencies require criminal background checks and drug screening for students who might be placed there for a learning activity. The agency reserves the right to deny a student permission to meet clients, based on the results of the criminal background check.

If you have a criminal history, we urge you to contact the board of nursing in any state where you may seek licensure prior to enrolling in a nursing program. The regulations vary from state to state.

Admission Criteria

Criteria for admission to the 4-year B.S.N. program include:

Freshman Student

Students will be admitted as freshmen to a pre-nursing curriculum based on the following criteria:

  1. high school grade-point average of 3.25 (unweighted) or above on a 4.0 scale and a minimum of 22 ACT composite, with a minimum of 19 ACT math score;
  2. meeting criteria for selective admission to the University of Kentucky (see the Undergraduate Admission  section of this Bulletin for more information).

The College of Nursing guarantees admission into the nursing curriculum to incoming freshmen who have a high school GPA of 3.6 or higher (unweighted) and an ACT composite of 28 or higher (or the equivalent SAT combined score). Students will be required to maintain a 3.6 GPA in each semester in their first year at UK and at 3.6 GPA in science to retain guaranteed admission to the professional level.

Students who meet the early admission requirements will be granted full admission to the Professional Nursing program in either the fall or spring of the student’s sophomore year. Students who do not meet the requirements will be considered with other applicants who meet admission criteria, following completion of program prerequisites.

Sophomore Student

Selection for admission to the nursing curriculum will occur at the sophomore level for all students based on the following criteria:​​​​

  1. a minimum cumulative and science grade-point average of 3.00;
  2. a grade of C or better in all required pre-nursing courses;
  3. completion of the UK College of Nursing approved Medicaid Nurse Aide training program;
  4. the Internet-based TOEFL is required of all applicants whose first or primary language is other than English with a minimum cumulative TOEFL score of 90 and at least minimum scores of 26 in speaking, 22 in listening, 20 in writing and 22 in reading.

In addition, any or all of the following information may be requested as part of the admission application:

  1. a writing exercise based on the criteria established by the College of Nursing;
  2. two letters of reference from individuals who can assess potential for success (e.g., teacher, employer);
  3. an interview with members of the Undergraduate Student Admission and Progression Committee, or their designees.
Transfer Student
  1. Transfer students with less than 24 hours of college credit must meet the criteria for entering freshmen and have a minimum grade-point average of 3.00 on all college work attempted as computed by the Office of Admissions.
  2. Transfer students with more than 24 hours of college credit must maintain a minimum grade-point average of 3.00 on all college work attempted, and have a minimum cumulative grade-point average of 3.00 in science courses, as computed by the Office of Admissions.
  3. Second degree applicants – those having a bachelor’s degree in another area or veterans of armed services who completed medic training as indicated on a Joint Services Transcript - must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 on all college work attempted and a minimum GPA of 2.75 in all science courses.
  4. Applicants whose first or primary language is not English must have a minimum TOEFL score of 90, with minimum scores of 26 in speaking, 22 in listening, 20 in writing and 22 in reading;

All applicants must have grades of C or better in all courses required for CON curriculum.

In addition, any or all of the following information may be requested as part of the application:

  1. a writing exercise based on the criteria established by the College of Nursing;
  2. two letters of reference from individuals who can assess potential for success (e.g., teacher, employer);
  3. completion of an approved Medicaid Nurse Aide training program; and
  4. an interview with members of the Undergraduate Student Admission and Progression Committee or their designee.
Readmission After Suspension

Students will be eligible to apply for readmission to the College of Nursing after suspension from the College when they meet criteria as stated in Section B 1 and 2 of this policy.

Admission of Registered Nurses

A student who is a registered nurse will be considered for admission to upper-division courses in the nursing program based on the following criteria:

  1. a statement of academic and professional goals;
  2. further criteria elucidated below.
Associate Degree Nurses

The registered nurse with an associate degree in nursing from a college accredited by one of the six regional academic accrediting associations will be considered for admission with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a scale of 4.0 in all course work attempted as computed by the Office of Admissions. NOTE: R.N. licensure is required prior to beginning clinical experiences.

Diploma-Prepared Nurses

The registered nurse who is a graduate of a diploma program will be considered for admission after earning a minimum of 60 credits from a regionally accredited college with a 2.5 minimum GPA which include:

  • English - 6 semester credits
  • Natural Sciences - 6 semester credits
  • Social Sciences - 6 semester credits
  • Humanities - 6 semester credits
  • Nursing* - 28 semester credits

*Nursing credits may be earned from regionally accredited colleges by taking the courses or by submission of a portfolio of R.N. licensure and experience to the R.N.-B.S.N. Option Coordinator.

Admission of Other Licensed Nurses

Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses

The licensed practical/vocational nurse with a LPN/LVN degree in nursing from a college accredited by one of the six regional academic accrediting associations, who has demonstrated a passing score on the NCLEX-PN exam, and holds an unencumbered license to practice in Kentucky will be considered for admission to the accelerated BSN track with a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a scale of 4.0 in all course work attempted as computed by the Office of Admissions. 

Licensed practical/vocational nurses and licensed registered nurses who received their nursing education abroad or from an educational institution that is not regionally accredited, but have demonstrated passing the appropriate NCLEX exam and are licensed to practice nursing in the State of Kentucky will be considered for admission after earning or transferring in a minimum of 60 college credits with a 2.5 minimum GPA. These courses should include:

  • English - 6 semester credits
  • Natural Sciences - 6 semester credits
  • Social Sciences - 6 semester credits
  • Humanities - 6 semester credits
  • Nursing* - 28 semester credits

*Nursing credits may be earned from regionally accredited colleges by taking the courses or by submission of a portfolio of RN or LPN licensure, experience, and record of continuing education earned to the appropriate track coordinator and the College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Admission and Progression Committee.

All nursing courses taken in associate degree or diploma programs are considered lower-division courses and are not equivalent to upper-division courses in this program. These course syllabi will be evaluated by the College of Nursing and the evaluation will be one piece of the portfolio. The applicant must have at least a GPA of 2.5 on a scale of 4.0 in all college course work attempted as computed by the Office of Admissions.

Application for Admission

All applications and transcripts for admission must be submitted to the Office of Admissions according to the deadlines listed in the box above Transfer applicants will be evaluated for fall and spring admission, according to the deadlines listed. Those accepted for admission must notify the college within 30 days, in writing, of their intent to enroll. Late applicants will be considered for admission on a space-available basis.

Part-Time Study

The traditional and accelerated nursing curricula were designed with co-requisites and courses taken in sequence. Therefore, students will be admitted to these options with the expectation that they will follow the prescribed nursing curriculum. R.N. students who are working toward the completion of the B.S.N. degree on a part-time basis must plan a course of study with the appropriate College of Nursing personnel or committee and may not alter that plan without prior approval from the College of Nursing.

Candidates for the degree who do not complete all requirements within a seven-year period (five years for R.N. students) after admission will have their records reevaluated and may be required to repeat or take selected courses.

Financial Aid

The college has scholarships designated for Nursing students. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Student Services, College of Nursing.

Students may also wish to pursue funds available through hospitals and other agencies that offer financial assistance in return for a work commitment.

Academic Advising

Students who are admitted to the College of Nursing are assigned to an advisor within the college. Curriculum plans are determined in the first semester of enrollment in the college and updated each semester. Questions regarding progression through the program may be directed to the Office of Student Services, College of Nursing.

Graduate Study

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) program is a professional clinical doctorate program which focuses on development of advanced competencies for complex practice, and research utilization for the improvement of clinical care delivery, patient outcomes, and system management. Graduates will be expert in designing, implementing, managing, and evaluating health care delivery systems and will be prepared to lead at the highest clinical and executive ranks.

There are two entry points to the D.N.P. program: the post-Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.) entry option for those with an awarded master’s degree in nursing that are already prepared in the role of an advanced practice nurse; and the post-Baccalaureate of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) entry option. This option builds on the B.S.N. degree and prepares individuals for an APRN role. Both options culminate with the D.N.P. degree.

Application Deadline

Application materials are due by January 15 for fall admission. Applications received after this date will be considered if space is available. For additional requirements for application, including the application forms, go to


Note: The College of Nursing also offers the terminal academic degree program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing and a Master of Science in Nursing - Health Care Systems Leadership. For more information on this program, refer to The Graduate School Bulletin at: http://

For further information, contact:

College of Nursing
315 College of Nursing Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40536-0232

The College of Nursing also offers the terminal academic degree program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing and a Master of Science in Nursing - Health Care Systems Leadership. For more information on this program, refer to The Graduate School Bulletin at:

For further information, contact:

College of Nursing
315 College of Nursing Building
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40536-0232


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