Mar 06, 2025
LIN 622 - ADVANCED SYNTAX College of Arts & Sciences
Credits: 3
The course builds on the groundwork laid in LIN 512 Analysis of English Syntax in two main ways: (1) by framing the problems introduced in the first course within a non-Chomskyan framework of assumptions found in constraint-based lexicalist grammars; and (2) by going beyond the confines of English to account for syntactic data from other languages. A fundamental shift from Chomskyan to constraint-based lexicalist grammar is the rejection of syntactic derivation, or transformations, i.e. the assumption that there are distinct underlying and surface representations in which arena transformations / movement play a significant role. Topics covered include: formal grammar as unification grammar, headedness, binding theory, agreement, and the role of the lexicon in determining syntactic structure. This course may require LIN 640 taken concurrently.
Prerequisite(s): Prereq: LIN/ENG 512 (Analysis of English Syntax) or similar course approved by the Director of Graduate Studies; may require LIN 640 taken concurrently.
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