The aerospace engineering program provides a rigorous foundation in modern engineering theory, technology, and practice associated with design, development, testing, and production of aircraft, spacecraft, and related aerospace systems.
Aerospace engineers use the techniques of mathematics combined with a specialized knowledge in aerospace stuctures, control, aerodynamics, thermal analysis, and materials. This information is supplemented by the design and control of systems, and the economics and safety constraints of aerospace applications.
Our graduates will be able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and aerospace engineering to the solution of problems, particularly in the areas of thermodynamics; heat transfer; aerodynamics; propulsion; systems and controls; structural design; computational methods; instrumentation; and experimental methods.
Consistent with the Vision and Mission statements of the University of Kentucky and the College of Engineering, the undergraduate program in aerospace engineering will prepare our graduates for successful practice or academic pursuits in aerospace engineering. We expect our graduates to attain the following Program Educational Objectives:
- Our graduates will be employed in aerospace engineering or a variety of related fields as professionals, or attend graduate and professional schools in their career paths.
- Our graduates will continue their education and professional growth by supporting or participating in professional societies, licensure programs, short courses, or other professional development activities.